Monday, October 30, 2006

Beautiful flowers...

En automne, je récoltai toutes mes peines et les enterrai dans mon jardin.
Lorsque avril refleurit et que la terre et le printemps célébrèrentleurs noces,
mon jardin fut jonché de fleurs splendides et exceptionnelles.

In the autumn I gathered all my sorrows and buried them in my garden.
And when April returned and spring came to wed the earth,
there grew in my garden beautiful flowers unlike all other flowers.

--Khalil Gibran

Thursday, October 26, 2006

There Was a Cherry-Tree

There was a cherry-tree. Its bloomy snows
Cool even now the fevered sight that knows
No more its airy visions of pure joy --
As when you were a boy.

There was a cherry-tree. The Bluejay sat
His blue against its white -- O blue as jet
He seemed there then!-- But now -- Whoever knew
He was so pale a blue!

There was a cherry-tree -- our child-eyes saw
The miracle:-- Its pure white snows did thaw
Into a crimson fruitage, far too sweet
But for a boy to eat.

There was a cherry-tree, give thanks and joy!--
There was a bloom of snow -- There was a boy --
There was a bluejay of the realest blue --
And fruit for both of you.

-- James Whitcomb Riley